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// Questions & answers (lesson1)
Who are you designing for?
I am designing an interface for the international students.

What is their relationship to the collection?
The international students came to the Netherlands to experience the culture and nature is a big part of that.

Which content are you ‘interfacing’?
I want to interface the content from the staatsbosbeheer website, or a part of it.

What type of interaction is fitting for this?
digital: social campaign or website
analog: magazine or booklet

What type of medium is fitting for this?

In general: what are you trying to accomplish through the interface you want to design?
Get international students enthusiastic for dutch routes.

Which visual design elements have you already collected/designed that can be useful for this?
Its medium is an analog sign that connects the user(biker) to the system(the route).

The interaction is giving information. The person recognizes the sign from the route and knows where to go next.

I would like to make something that gives information and connect the international students to the staatsbosbeheer routes.
I choose digital and analog mediums. All of them are giving the user information in a different kind of way.

What am I asking of my user?
Download an app
Go to a website
buy a booklet
go to a shop
and find information.
// 10 Design sketches
These sketches should give insight in your considerations for your choice of medium, level and type of interaction, the content you are using, visual design elements and visual language. Prepare at least 10 sketches, these should include: sketches for the choice of medium, sketches for the type of interaction, sketches for your visual choices.
// First concept
An app you can download on your phone. You choose a route close by that you would like to walk. During the route you have to take pictures at a certain point. These pictures will be uploaded on the Staatsbosbeheer site, where you can see a whole collection of the same picture but taken on a different time or season.
// Feedback
Kimmy's class:
- Make the analog and digital idea into one.
- Why is the app for young expats and not all expats?
- Do the app, because will the students take a booklet on a walk?
// Typography (les2)
Design at least three options for how you would like to apply typography in your design, keeping in mind your specific user group. Which typefaces are you using and why? Which hierarchy of information are you designing and why? How can typography contribute to your navigation and interaction?

My user group is international students, so I'm going to pick a cool font that attracts people from the age 18 till 26. The app that I'm making should be easy and simple to use, the font has to be easy to read.
Pick one sketch and design it in an opposite way (small too big, light too dark, etc.)
Design something
Pick another sketch and apply a font of an assigned classmate and apply to your design.
Take two fonts from your range of sketches and re-design the hierarchy of the information in your design.
// Designing process
Below you can follow the steps I took while designing the app. First I had to get clear how the app should work and made mindmaps and wireframes.
// The Name of the app + logo
Then I started designing the app in InDesign and later on Adobe XD. For Design inspiration I looked on the apps on my phone and the internet.
Designing proces
First design in Indesign ->
2nd design in Adobe XD ->
The 'pixel map' is inspired by this picture i saw on Pinterest->
( it reminded me of an atlas)
// Feedback
Kimmy and Mees:
- Why is the time/ seasons important for the international students?
- Involve time and change in the design.
- The contrast of the pixel map with the real photos with a lot of
details is cool.
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// Feedback
- Add an extra stap after the collection of the photos, something with video? zooming in and out?
- The design is still a little to static, the white rectangle with the logo smaller?

Connection international students and time changing.
- The students are temporary here, sometimes only one season.
But the dutch year has 4 really different seasons and this is a way they can experience all of them.
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// Designing process
After Megan's feedback I changed the the design a little bit. I added pictures I took from nature and edited them in Photoshop. Changed the colors and gave them a pixel kinda look so it matches with the map.
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I also added a video function, when people click on it there will be a video/timelaps shown of the pictures.
// Final concept
International students come to the Netherlands and want to experience our Nature, often they are here for 1/2 year or just one season. Not enough time to see all the different and beautiful weather and landscapes there are in one year.

That's why I designed this app, you walk a route, during the route you get messages that you have to take a picture from a certain tree, bridge or bench. After you upload it you see a whole collection of the same picture but in a different moment of the year or day. The whole app is made in English so Internationals can understand.
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