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// Interaction Station workshops.
// Introduction to UX
In the workshops we zoom in on the technicalities of creating physical interfaces using hardware and software. You have had a glimpse of different types of sensors etc, and should now have some idea of how they could work. For the deliverable we want you to think of a physical interface that allows your specific user group to access a given collection of knowledge. How would this work, and what could it look like ? E.g. maybe you would make some custom sort of game controller to access the wayback machine archive.
So think of an interface, make a sketch, visualize how it would work. This will be your documentation for the Hotglue.
Friday is scheduled to give you the opportunity to get our help with your ideas for this, and finalize it.
So you do NOT NEED to make a working prototype, but you are allowed of course. And for you end assignment you do not have to use the technology you got introduced to this week. But you DO NEED to have a sketch/visualization of an idea of how you could use this in your Hotglue.
During the Interaction lessons we worked with Arduino and Processing. During my previous study I already worked a few times with an Arduino but I found out that I forgot it all.
<- We worked with this Microcontroller

It has 10 lights and
- a motion sensor
- a temperature sensor
- a Light sensor
- a sound sensor
- and a Mini speaker
My user for the project is the expat, so I thought about something I could make for them with this Microcontroller.
My idea is inspired by the website: kanikeenkortebroekaan.nl. Which is a website that tells you if you can wear shorts yes or no. For expats the dutch weather is hard to understand. Wat should they wear on a walk?

The microcontroller measures the temperature and the light. If it is above a certain number then the lights will give a smiley which mean you don't have to wear a coat. With a circle its to cold and you have to wear something warm.
1. Write down specific characters of your audience
My user group is the expat, and within that I'm focussing on the international students. These international student expats are coming in the Netherlands mostly to study or for an internship. They don't speak dutch, so the website of Staatsbosbeheer is hard to understand.
2. Map the content in your source of knowledge – what leads to where.
// What do I need to test for the interface?
// Digital testing the app
During the walk people get a message that they have to take a picture on this spot of the walk. How do I make sure that all the people take the same picture from exact the same angle?

For this I had 2 ideas:

1. A pole with a slot in it that fits a mobile phone. Everyone can put their phone in and the photos will be taken from the same angle.

2. A transparent shape over your camera with the silhouet of the real buildings. Now its more like a game, you have to move your hands until you find the right angle.

Next to this, I of course have to test the working of the app. Are there buttons missing? Does people know where to look for things?
// Analog testing
1. A pole with a slot in it that fits a mobile phone. Everyone can put their phone in and the photos will be taken from the same angle.
- Its all digital, easier than putting poles everywhere.
- People find it fun to do.

- People can still get the angle wrong and take a wrong picture.
- People are looking true their screen instead of real life.
- Its all digital, easier than putting poles everywhere.
- It works, you have the same picture every time.

- You have to put poles everywhere, that is more expensive and takes a lot of time.
// Feedback
test analog -> paaltje
-> transparent paper
test digital -> UX Adobe

Test with international students.
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Test 1 (Luuk)
He pressed on this thing, thought that it woud flip out. I choose the light color of the routes because I liked it more, but maybe I should change it back to make it more clear.
Other than that he used the app right, he found the changing logo cool but didn't like the type that much. Maybe put the upload button more under.
Test 2 (Wieke)
Same as Luuk she pressed on the arrows.
<< She tried to put the sound on but that doesn't work. Should I make it work?
<< At first she didn't understand that the blue shape was a silhouet of the building. But in the real app you see the camera move so I think that the people will understand then.
<< The menu button is not working properly yet
I gave the testing persons a short brief about the app:
1. That it is a connection between Staatsbosbeheer and the international students. 2. And people walk a route, during this there will be a point where you have to capture a moment.
3. After that you can see other moments of the same place.
// Feedback
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- Find a way to test the the silhouet thing on the phone. And see if 3 people do take 3 the same pictures. And how much detail does the silhouet have to contain.

- The map looks a bit like a Excel sheet to me, maybe you can find a better link to link the map to the idea of the app.
// Analog testing (part 2)
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I drew a silhouet of our house on my phone and let my family find the right angle and take pictures.
Luuk, 18
Lianne, 51
Raymond, 51
Wieke, 15
Xena, 19
Conclusion: The silhouet should be more detailed. Everyone took the picture from the same angle but I think my drawing was to rough.
2. A transparent shape over your camera with the silhouet of the real buildings. Now its more like a game, you have to move your hands until you find the right angle.
<< This time instead of making silhouet's I drew lines.
Conclusion: It is possible to let people take 'almost' the same picture by using a transparent overlay. The lines one worked better, but I think that is because this one was better detailed. A well detailed silhouet will work to.
Roos, 21
Eva, 21
JY, 23
Elise, 20
Joyce, 22
// Digital testing (part 2)
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I gave the testing persons a short brief about the app:
1. That it is a connection between Staatsbosbeheer and the international students. 2. And people walk a route, during this there will be a point where you have to capture a moment.
3. After that you can see other moments of the same place.
Test 3 (Roos)
Yay! She pressed on the red route instead of the arrow (the arrow is gone now.
She liked the video option.
And she tried to scroll on this page, that didn't work yet so now it does.
Test 4 (JY)
I started with some questions.

Do you often go on a walk?
I think ones or twice in a week.

Do you prefer walking in the city or in nature?
I am in the city enough so I like to go in the nature behind our house.

Whats your favourite season?
Spring! When everything starts growing again. But also winter, when it snows.
I also came till the conclusion that in nature there are less "staying' lines. Trees and water changes during the year. So its important to use a bridge, a sign or a bench as a silhouet for the photo.
Conclusion: I need tot change some little things in the design that will make it work better.
Conclusion: The test subjects use the app as I designed it. Sometimes they still click on buttons that don't work yet, but that's no problem. The mainline of the app works well!
(JY went trough the app well, everything went as plan).